Black Tea: Use your favorite variety of black teae.g., Earl Grey, Assam, Darjeeling.
Cinnamon Sticks: 1 stick per cup of tea.
Cloves: 2-3 cloves per cup of tea.
Orange Zest: Zest from 1 orangea pinch per cup of tea.
Lemon Zest: Zest from 1 lemona pinch per cup of tea.
Ground Allspice: A pinch per cup of tea.
Ground Cardamom: A pinch per cup of tea.
Sugar: To tastetypically 1-2 teaspoons per cup (adjust according to preference).
Step 1: Gather Your Ingredients:
Before crafting your Friendship Tea, ensure you have all the ingredients on hand.
Step 2: Prepare the Tea Base:
Start by brewing a strong cup of black tea. Depending on your desire, you can use tea bags or loose tea leaves.
Use about 2 teaspoons of tea leaves or one tea bag per cup of water. Steep the tea in freshly boiled water for 3-5 minutes or until it reaches your desired strength.
Step 3: Add Spices:
While the tea is still hot, add 1 cinnamon stick, 2-3 cloves, a pinch of ground allspice, and a pinch of ground cardamom to each cup. The pleasant scents of these spices will be infused into the tea. Stir gently to combine.
Step 4: Zest It Up:
Grate the zest from an orange and a lemon. Sprinkle a generous pinch of each zest into the teacups. The citrusy aroma will enhance the overall experience of Friendship Tea.
Step 5: Sweeten to Taste:
Add sugar to your tea to reach your desired level of sweetness. Start with 1-2 teaspoons per cup and adjust according to your preference. Stir until the sugar dissolves completely.
Step 6: Enjoy and Share:
Serve your Friendship Tea while it’s still warm. The blend of black tea, aromatic spices, and citrusy zest will delight your senses and warm your heart.
Share this special tea with your friends and loved ones to create memorable moments together.